
Chantal Bucco

be artist.
be art.

In every arte Hotel, we give creative, young or up-and-coming artists a stage: our artist’s place event series moves between all art forms, in a finely dosed irregularity and always relaxed atmosphere!

On 23 May 2024, we brought the artist Chantal Bucco to the arte Hotel Krems for an art exhibition!

more about the artist

Chantal Bucco creates paintings and also applies her art to all kinds of surfaces such as ceramics and sculptures.

She creates the ground by playing with different colour materials such as acrylic, ink, oils and more. Inspired by paintings and photographs, she then begins fragmenting the characters to depict the very complex diversity of the human being. Bucco creates unreal beings that correspond to a reality that is superior to the one we primarily perceive. We are much more than our outward appearance. She constructs a completely new reality in which she works alternately with collage and colour. The interplay between the existing and the newly painted is an exciting process. Bucco’s art shows both the lightness and the heaviness of being. It can be beautiful and oppressive at the same time.

“My artistic aim is to touch and perhaps also confuse the viewer, to make them smile and make them think,” says Bucco.